Kultura! – Archieve


“The City of Otskheli – This (Not) How They Talk About Artists”

Being an artist on a real stage is hard work. Especially when neither the country nor the city, which has left important names in the complex but interesting history of painting, can be concealed. This time, the goal is to, on the one hand, remember the work of artists born in Kutaisi in the 20th century, and on the other hand, discuss the work of contemporary artists living in the city of Otskheli. This will either create or negate the contrast between them. The mention of Otskheli is not accidental, as he can be considered one of the main “predecessors,” and “guides.” The poetic attitude towards the external world and the dramatic relationship to depicted objects (as Ketevan Kintsurashvili writes) are so reflected in his painting that they have become a form of expression and have survived to this day.
valiko mizandari

Valiko Mizandari – Muse and Beloved Teacher of Gabriadze

“When I hear the name Valiko Mizandari, I think of a winter evening, of a tin stove, of the crackling firewood; the head of Michelangelo’s ‘David,’ portraits of Kutaisi locals — some in clay, some in stone, plaster, and some unfinished — and the endless stream of sweet stories, where the simple people of our city magically intertwine with the bohemians of Montmartre in Paris, the adventures of Alexander the Great, the pranks of the trickster Khariton (may he rest in peace!) The paintings, Rodin’s smile, hunting adventures in Kopitnari, human proportions — all accompanied by the seductive pink wine of Imereti, slowly pouring into my memories, causing a sweet pain to my heart with their uniqueness and the inevitability of dead moments…”

Kutaisi Communication Forms – A Brief Sociolinguistic Analysis

Linguistic ethnography is a broad concept that encompasses both linguistic and ethnographic approaches to studying the language features and communication of a specific society or group. Simply put, people possess an extensive range of linguistic repertoires, drawing from and adapting language symbols, enriching them with new meanings, using them in different contexts, and even altering their form or content. Such events determine that the mentioned diversity can, in some cases, manifest as the development of dialects, the establishment of specific grammatical forms, or the peculiarities of pronouns. Numerous studies have demonstrated that language has its own hierarchy, economy, and even gender.

In the Footsteps of Galaktion

Early spring of 1910 in Partskhnali… A man in festive attire awaited someone… At that moment, he invigorated in his mind the nature of the yet unseen place of Partskhnali to a familiar tune:“Soon the bleached The forest and field will be green, Flowers will bloom Spreading fragrances; Laurel trees will come alive, The mountain’s peak, the forest’s mouth And there will pass The spring zephyr.” (literal translation)

“The Kutaisi Wave”: A Sociological Analysis of Youth Movement and Subculture

In the 1990s, a significant socio-political crisis erupted in independent Georgia, a period marked by a desperate search for identity in the post-Soviet era. This crisis involved dealing with deep social conflicts, rampant unemployment, and a high crime rate, making it a particularly tumultuous time for the country. The phenomenon known as the “Kutaisi Wave” emerged and evolved against this historical backdrop, representing a complex assessment of these turbulent times.

“Livin’ In The Mirror, or Punk the Kutaisi Way”

Songs created since the 90s were compiled into two albums, preserving the history of Kutaisi. It wasn’t rare for concerts to be held in the former building of the House of Writers. What set this generation apart was not only their music but also a shared vision. Everything old-fashioned became a ruin; “Viva” signaled something new.
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David Kakabadze Gallery

Do you know where the most outstanding representatives of Georgian painting can meet in Kutaisi?Certainly, in the city center at Rustaveli Avenue 8,  in the permanent exhibition of the David Kakabadze Gallery of Fine Arts, or the repository of the fund. Let’s talk about a symbolic coincidence: directly across from the gallery is the building of the first public school. In this former classical gymnasium, one of the founders of Georgian realistic painting Giorgi Maisuradze (painting teacher of Akaki, Niko Nikoladze, Niko Marie, Besarion Gogoberidze, and other notable figures) lived for many years starting in 1851. He was the first accredited Georgian portrait painter, a friend, and classmate of Repin, who taught drawing and penmanship.

Kneina Elisabeth

For several days now, the name of this beautiful, but especially “charismatic” woman has been spinning in my head. Interestingly, more than ten years have passed since she last occupied my thoughts. Ten years ago, she interested me less, and later, I almost forgot about her. In the past year, however, my curiosity has reawakened, and I have a desire for everyone, if not many, to know about her.

Meoba – Otar Sulaberidze

More than a hundred families lived in our airship (the nickname for our apartment on Chavchavadze Avenue). Ten meters wide, the courtyard echoed with the patter of little feet day in and day out. Even the sound of an airplane landing at the airfield couldn’t drown out their noise; only once in a while, not every day, in the evening, an amazing silence fell when all the children, immersed in their own worlds, paused: “Meoba is coming!” They would watch, entranced, as a tall, handsome man with the swaying walk of a sailor approached, bestowing an indescribable smile upon both young and old.
vera tsereteli

Vera Tsereteli and Isidore Varazashvili

Traveling from Chiatura, bypassing “Davis Namukhlari” (a place below Mukhatgvedi, a rock obstructing the road from Tbilisi to Dzegvi), you will leave behind Sveri fortress and “Kotia Cave,” eventually reaching the village of Tskhrukveti. Here, in the old cemetery beneath the church of St. Marina, a stone entwined in vegetation will surely catch your eye. This crypt belongs to Vera Varazashvili, as the inscription indicates. Isidore Varazashvili constructed this eternal crypt in profound love and sorrow for his beloved wife.