Dikhashkho sulfur geyser

Village of Dikhashkho, Vani municipality

Dikhashkho sulfur geyser is located in the village of Dikhashkho. The Dikhashkho Sulfur Geyser is popular among both local and foreign tourists throughout the year due to its unique visual and healing properties. It is a natural, open pool and it is said to have been around for over 100 years. The Dikhashkho sulfur geyser thermal water reaches 38 degrees in winter-summer. It is safe and unique for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system, excess weight, cardiovascular, fungal, and many other diseases.

Address: a village of Dikhashkho, Vani municipality

Opening hours: Access to the geyser and swimming in the pool is free at any time.

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