Mesveteoba 2024

Organized by the tourism department of the Chiatura Culture Center and with the support of the Chiatura Municipality City Hall, on September 14 in the village of Katskhi, in the vicinity of the Katskhi Pillar, it is planned to celebrate the public holiday “Mesveteoba 2024”.
Within the framework of the event, an exhibition and sale of the products of local entrepreneurs, a performance of the autumn festival of the villages of the Katskhi community, and a concert of local creative groups will be organized.
The main goal of the event is to remember the historical significance of the ordination holiday and promote the agro-tourism potential of Chiatura municipality. It is important for us to preserve and develop this unique cultural heritage.
Transportation of tour operators and guides willing to attend the event will be provided by the City Hall of Chiatura Municipality.

10:00 a.m. – festive service
12:00-17:00 – exhibition and sale of local entrepreneurs’ products, tasting, master class
13:00-15:00 – sports competition (climbing on a natural rock)
16:00-17:00 – concert with the participation of local folk groups
Awarding of winners